Case Study: Peru Hop Website

- MadeSimple CMS
- Booking System
- WordPress Blog
- Social Media Integration
- Photo Gallery
- Automated Invoicing and Emails
- Streaming News Ticker
- Vij'n VPS Hosting
Peru Hop came to us with an idea for the first Hop-On Hop-Off bus service in Peru. In truth, we didn't even know what that was up until then. But it soon became clear, and we thought it was a great project to get involved in. They wanted something young, adventurous, different. They wanted a system that would allow users to book trips but would also allow travel agents and hostels within and outside Peru to book trips on a user's behalf.
To start with, we had to provide a corporate identity. Something colorful, young, casual but that would still let user's know immediately that Peru Hop took its image seriously. We incorporate Peru's colors into the logo and got to work on the site.
Things started off well, but soon became problematic. Every once in a while a development agency comes across a "problem" project. The Peru Hop project became one of those problem projects. The booking system we were working with was turning out to be a major headache. Small miscommunications compounded, time was lost, and delays mounted. We held firm on the budget, took responsibility for the delays and maintained our composure. It needs to be said, we were thankful for the client's patience. We trudged on, putting the pieces together until finally, we had everything in place. We launched the site, and soon the sales began to gain momentum, the travel service was a success, and the site was well-received. The site's content is managed via MadeSimple CMS, the site is run on Vij'n VPS Hosting, the blog is WordPress based, and the photo gallery will eventually be upgraded to MadeSimple Media Gallery. Today, they boast a 4.5 star rating and most importantly have provided their customers with unforgettable travel adventures and memories.
Not every project goes off as planned. Sometimes, even a relatively simple project takes on a life of its own. Luckily that's a rare event, but occasionally it happens and when it does it needs to be handled with professionalism, care, respect and tenacity. In the end, we turned our "problem" project into a success story. We continue to work with the awesome Peru Hop team to bring improvements and enhancements to their site and are proud to have been a part of such a unique project. We even hope to one day pay them a visit in Peru!