Case Study: montreal international hip hop film festival


It's always fun to work on artistic projects. This one in particular was great as the client gave us carte blanche. "We want something that reflects hip hop, that represents film, something gritty, but cool." Well, we were sold. Full artistic libery is something we don't often get. How could we pass it up?
First off, the logo. This would be at the heart of all promotional items, so it needed to be good. And we were told that every year there would be a new campaign, so we needed something that would be flexible and changeable every year without losing its essence.
We created a logo using the name of the festival with no icon. Just text, but we added texture, added some grunge to it, used negative space as needed, and made it square so it would be easier to adapt to any format possible, web, print, etc. Then we set about making a letterhead, ads and posters to be put up across the city of Montreal.
The festival only existed for a couple years. In the end, getting the funding for such a project proved difficult in a city with so many competing festivals and for a festival with such a specific focus. But the work for us was quite rewarding, the exposure was great, and the feedback was out of this world.
A closer look at the work